April 2009

I got featured in Pune Mirror as one of the Pune’s Most Interesting Twitter Users.

To view the whole article click here

Saw this tag on Shayari’s Page, Kind of liked it so took it.

100 things about me
1. Last beverage ? Iced Eskimo
2. Last phone call ? 90 Minutes ago
3. Last text message ? Replying to a friend on my heath.
4. Last song you listened to ? Yeh Dilli hai mere yaar- Delhi 6
5. Last time you cried ? Boys don’t cry (okay sometimes they do, But I am not telling this one)

1. Dated someone twice ? Yes
2. Been cheated on? ? Yes
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? ? No
4. Lost someone special? ? Yes
5. Been depressed?? Yes
6. Been drunk and threw up? ? No

1. Made new friends ? Yes
2. Fallen out of love ? Yes
3. Laughed until you cried ? Yes
4. Met someone who changed you ? Yes
5. Found out who your true friends were ? Yes
6. Found out someone was talking about you ? Yes
7. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list ? Yes
8. Made the first Move ? yes, but I everytime I tried it never worked out.
10. Do you have any pets ? No
11. Do you want to change your name ? No
12. What did you do for your last birthday ? Cut 4 cakes, in 3 Restaurants with 3 different group of friends πŸ™‚
13. What time did you wake up today – 06:30 AM
14. What were you doing at midnight last night? Tweeting.
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for ? Nothing
16. Last time you saw your father ? Last Month
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life ? Nothing
18. Most visited webpage ? Gmail

1. What’s your name? Prateek
2. Nicknames? Prats, Monu, PG, Prattie
4. Zodiac sign ? Capricorn
5. Male or female or transgendered ? Male
6. Elementary? PCVN, Kanpur
7. Schools ? PCVN, Kanpur
8. Colleges ? BIET-Jhansi, SIBM-Pune
10. Hair color ? Black
11. Long or short ? Short
16. Height ? 6’3”
17. Do you have a crush on someone? ? No
18: Ever been in love? Yep
19. Piercings ? Hell No!!
20. Tattoos ? Only Temporaries
21. Righty or lefty ? Righty

23. First piercing ? NA
24. First best friends ? Mom
26. First sport you joined? Prince of Persia, Pacman, and Dangerous Dave
27. First pet ? Penny, It was stray dog
28. First vacation ? A trip to Jagannath Puri with Parents
29. First concert ? Indian Ocean & Parikrama
30. First crush ? Way back in class 5th
49. Eating ? Bring it on anytime
50. Drinking ? a lot of Coke & coffee
52. I’m about to ? Post this tag
53. Listening to ? Murmurs in the office

58. Want kids? ? Like them from a distance
59. Want to get married ? ? Yes
60. Careers in mind? ? IT Sales
68. Lips or eyes ? Eyes
69. Hugs or kisses ? Kisses
70. Shorter or taller ? Taller
71. Older or Younger ? Younger
72. Romantic or spontaneous ? The combination would be a killer
73. Nice stomach or nice arms ? Don’t know
74. Sensitive or loud ? Sensitive
75. Hook-up or relationship ? Relationship
77. Trouble maker or hesitant ? Troublemaker

78. Kissed a stranger ? Nope
79. Lost glasses/contacts ? No
81. Sex on first date ? Nope
82. Broken someone’s heart ? Yes
83. Had your own heart broken ? Yes
85. Been arrested ? Not Really, fined for traffic violation though
86. Turned someone down ? Yes
87. Cried when someone died ? No
88. Liked a friend that is a girl/boy? ? Yes

89. Yourself ? Yes
90. Miracles ? Happen.
91. Love at first sight ? Na
92. Heaven ? Love the song, Never visited the place
93. Santa Clause ? Well with a billion dollar cheque he is always welcome
94. Peace in this lifetime ? Difficult
95. Kissing on the first date? ? won’t mind πŸ™‚
96. Angels ? same as santa
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? ? No
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time in the past? ? Nah
99. You will die Young ? Want to die before the body stops supporting me
100. You will end with the one you love and learn to love the one you are with – learn to love the one I am with.

nice list of questions, had fun answering them. Now if you like this list go ahead and take it on.

You know how friends can be jackasses. Yeah yeah I know, I love my friends but once in a while it’s not so bad hating your friends. Especially when two best of your friends act completely out of sync decide to get married that too on the same date and at venues more than 1500 km apart.
Then both of them ask you, β€œYou coming for the wedding na!!” I mean how anyone decides this one. Thanks a lot you two for putting me in such a situation, hate you people for this. And yes congratulations, for the biggest step of your life.