March 2008

This was initially Vinni’s idea to write something like this, but it stuck to me and I came up with this –

A: Alphanso Aam, one can not find sweeter and juicy fruit than this.

B: Bagha Beach, Goa. Life zimplly rocks here. There can not be a better stress buster than just lying idly on the bagha beach.

C: Chutneys, the food in India can never be complete with these Add-ons which are so varied and add such a flavor to the food. No ketchup can ever meet the traditional Indian chutneys

D: Dal Makhni, The butter soaked lentils my favorite among all India food.

E: Entrance Examinations, CAT, XAT, UPSC, JEE, and a lot more India is a home ground for the world toughest competitive examination. I have always loved the sense of challenge with every entrance examination requires in India.

F: Functions, India has been a house for most plush and lavish functions with a splendid and exorbitant display of wealth

G: Gandhi Family, The Gandhi family is one dynasty which rules India. Though their significant contribution to the country has been close to zilch for almost two decades but still they claim to be hope for the next generation India.

H: Hindi, The national but most ignored language in India (People who want to raise a voice against this point, remember what happened in Mumbai last month)

I: India & The ‘I’ in everyone who is an Indian.

J: Jalebi one sweet dish which makes me go bonkers, goes as well with curd as with vanilla ice cream.

K: Kaafi, u might call it passé and say cappuccino is in but we still prefer our own Filter Coffee oops Kaafi.

L: Lassi, Traditional Indian drink often prepared in washing machines.

M: Makke ki Roti & Sarson ka saag, the traditional Punjabi food makes you fall in love with India all over again.

N: Nano, It is not available yet but this one surely got India the respect and pride.

O: for me its always the India’s pride Aryabhatta’s zerO

P: Pondicherry, One of the most serene beaches one can find, in India, No pomp & show no glamour, just peace of mind.

Q: Queues which are seldom followed

R: Radio, All India or Vividh Bharti though we have numerous channels on FM but still the All India Radio, Ameen Sayani and Cibaca Geetmala (my mom said it used to be Binaca before I was born) all remain a characteristic of India

S: Sahyadri Ranges, a place with awesome treks and amazing weather. A mirror of natural beauty especially in the monsoons.

T: Tata’s one group which would touch your life through out the day no matter what you do, or where you are in India.

U:Udupi Hotels, One of the world’s most viable low cost restaurant business models.

V: Vishakhapatnam, One of the underestimated and undervalued tourist destinations. The clean blue sea bed of Rishikonda beach can’t be found elsewhere.

W: Weddings, If you be a part of you would realize how lavish ceremonies numerous in number happen in India.

X: Xerox, equipment which has an important contribution in building of India with immaculate amount of professionals using it to pass exams by studying with all the photocopied material, Notes, guides, books and much more.

Y: Y2K, it passed away without any flair but this one event was responsible for a lot of IT talent recognition for India

Z: ZEE TV, The company owned by Subhash Chandra which brought Indian Entertainment to new age with pioneering cable television, Direct to Home Television and now the T20 cricket

Now I tag Vinni

A conversation with a very close friend, made me realize this. I know a lot of you would be aware of this, and a fact of the matter is even I know this but do I actually understand this. One thing which I think Indians, especially the young professionals who are getting exorbitant sounding salaries, need to learn from the America and Americans is the concept of debt in the economy. One thing which we learned from our parents was ‘Utne Paon Pasariye Jitni Chadar hoye’ (One should not spread his legs beyond the bed spread.) which actually means that one should not spend more than his available means.

However now around me, I see people with multiple credit cards total credit limits whooping in excess of there entire months or may be six months salary. To add toppings on this cake almost every second day I get calls on my phone I hear (not so sweet, decline in quality of call center talent is evident) voices who are willing to give me personal loans for foreign holidays, for buying diamond necklace for my ex-girlfriend with whom I broke up with almost a year ago and even for a third honeymoon when I am waiting for the first one to happen. With all this comes a temptation, a temptation to indulge now and pay for it later.

However the confidence of a high figure salary might just turn into over confidence with the cost of things which I enjoyed in a period of 15 years have changed.

1- I had a Samurai Video Game console which cost 3000 in 1996 now for the same I would like to have an X-Box which costs me 19000.

2- Whenever I used to eat out 10 years ago a Paneer Sabzi used to cost 30 bucks for a plate now it does 180 bucks.

3- We were proud owner of a Maruti 800 for which my dad always got laurels and was sign that he was well to do. These days I hardly see anyone flaunting something less than 1000000 in values. The zeroes can be added to the back of prices in a fashion similar to v’s in front of VIPs

4- The coffee I drank in 1999 was Nescafe and it made 100 cups for 50 bucks now my single cup in Barista costs me more than 50 bucks.

5- The usual rent for a 1100 sq ft house in 1995 used to be 1000-1200 bucks and now I am paying 15000

6- Previously a vacation used to be a train journey, sleeper class now the decision is tough do we fly Indigo or Jet.

7- I got my first computer in 1998 that was meager P1 processor based system with 32 MB RAM & 1 GB with a price tag of 55000 now I use a Centrino duo with 1 GB RAM and 60 HDD which cost rs 55000 (no wonder I love the computer and IT industry)

8- Treat used to be 27 bucks Vanilla Ice cream 1L brick now it Baskin Robbins or Gourmet Gelato with 65 buck for a single scoop (I don’t even know how many L is one scoop may be .1 )

9- Fuels used to be half of what they are right now.

10- Affairs used to be in love letters on 75 paise inland which ensured privacy. Last thing I would like to discuss is my phone bills when I had a girl friend to talk to.

So now I get more money and I spend more money so everyone makes more money. Anything to be very happy about arrgghh…. I don’t think so